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【PDF】Satellite-Terrestrial Channel Characterization in High...

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「阀门」Heinemann Electric JA1S-A3-AB-04-D-A-北京康拉...

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Tannic Acid | C76H52O46 | CID 16131300 - PubChem

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Chalcogen Extrusion from Heteroallenes and Carbon Mono...

Scheme 5. Proposed Mechanism of CO Deoxygenation by Disilylamide 1 Conclusions ARTICLE SECTIONS Jump To In summary, we have reported a detailed synthetic study of...

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The potential protective effect of Commelina nudiflora...

2017年9月11日 Ethno Med. 2012;6:11–5. Google Scholar Alikbangon. Philippines medicinal plants. p. 1–3. http://www.stuartxchange.org/Alikbangon.html. Accessed 3...