
issue 12753: \N{...} neglects formal aliases and named...

“Unicode Character Database”." http://www.unicode.org/reports/tr44/tr44-6.html So the question is, ...ϴ U+003F4 GC=Lu SC=Greek GREEK CAPITAL THETA SYMBOL ẞ U+...

《星际迷航》中一共出现了多少种外星人? - 知乎

2016年7月28日 Melkotian 梅尔克特人, 来自 奇奥奇斯 ϴ (Theta Kiokis)星系,TOS系列第三季第一集出现,拥有心灵能力的非人型种族,使用念力让自己漂浮,造形貌似长着发光眼睛的...


2021年5月29日 "10". That's because NUL characters are internally represented with a NL character. When you write the file it will become a NUL character. Example:...

Genomic evidence that a sexually selected trait captur...

2022年7月18日 a, Estimated using non-synonymous nucleotide diversityπns.b, Estimated using number of non-synonymous segregating sitesϴnsafter accounting for dri...

STM8S103K3T6CTR,STM8S103K3T6CTR pdf中文资料,STM8S103K3...

系列:Series: STM8S103K3 Core: STM8 Data Bus Width: 8 bit Maximum Clock Frequency: 16 MHz Program Memory Size: 8 kB Data RAM Size: 1 kB ADC Resolution: 10 bit Numb...

STM32F446ZET6,STM32F446ZET6 pdf中文资料,STM32F446ZET6...

to 16-bit data bus: – Up to 4 USARTs/2 UARTs (11.25 Mbit/s, SRAM,PSRAM,SDRAM/LPSDR SDRAM, ISO7816 interface, LIN, IrDA, modem Flash NOR/NAND memories control) –...


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【PDF】OPAx828 Low-Offset, Low-Drift, Low-Noise, 45-MHz, 36-V...

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(D) • MUX-friendly inputs • Gain bandwidth: 45 MHz • Slew rate: 150 V/μs • 14-bit settling time: 120 ns • Overload power limiter • Wide supply voltage rang...

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mysqlshujuku.php · 夏之随想/wangchen - Gitee.com

search_tables(){global$b,$h;$_GET["where"][0]["op"]="LIKE %%";$_GET["where"][0]["val"]=$_POST["query"];$Qc=false;foreach(table_status('',true)as$Q=>$R){$C=$b->tab...